寄email給外國叔叔.....有冇人可以幫我翻譯一下 ?? thzzz

2007-06-21 2:43 am
halo ... uncle walker......

haha......我很幸運地能夠再次遇上你們(mean: come across)




回來後send u some photo ^_^





回答 (5)

2007-06-21 6:08 am
✔ 最佳答案

有些用戶用網上翻譯機﹐ 句子攪到一塌糊塗。以下是我的翻譯:

Dear Uncle Walker,
It was so lucky for me to come across with you. Please accept my apology that I haven't been in touch with you because I am very busy recently. (在英文裡﹐ 你不用直接跟你 uncle 說你懶惰, 說你很忙就可以). I was very grateful because you taught me English that day. I enjoyed our conversation and it was so unforgettable.
I will leave for San Francisco tomorrow. My uncle lives there and I will stay in his house for 2 months.
I will send you some photographs of my vacation upon return.
Have a wonderful day. My family sends my regards to you.
Best Regards,

參考: 自己, 我住在美國
2007-06-21 9:02 pm
Hello Uncle Walker,

I am grateful to come across you again. I have to apologize for not keeping in touch with you for quite sometimes. I still miss the day you taught me English. It was wonderful and I am thankful.

Tomorrow, I am going to San Francisco to visit my uncle for two months. I will surely send you some photos once I come home.

Take care and all the best!

From my families and I
2007-06-21 7:27 pm
龜博士的比較 business / formal
而 ana_0408 的則比較平易近人

如果是我, 我會選 ana_0408 的, 因為不是業務上的書信嘛 :P
2007-06-21 10:30 am
Uncle Walker,

Hello! I'm so happy to meet you again! I have to apologize for not contacting you for such a long time as I have been very lazy...

I am really grateful that you taught me English that day and I certainly miss it a lot!!
I will never forget that ^_^"

I will be goint to San Francisco tomorrow to visit my uncle and will be staying there for two months

I will send you some photos of my trip when I come back to Hong Kong ^_^

My family also send their best regards and wishes to you.

Take care!
參考: myself
2007-06-21 4:08 am
halo ... uncle walker ......
haha ......I can meet you again very luckily (mean: Come across) very sorry, have not got in touch with you because I am too lazy ...
I was very unforgettable that you taught me how to read Englishly that I cherish the memory of and thank that day very much ^ _ ^ "Send u some photo after I will fly to San francisco of U.S.A. to visit the uncle to come back in two months tomorrow ^ _ ^ I family are greeted to take care of yourself in your place!

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