
2007-06-20 11:41 pm
1)There are many food outlets for us to choose form ,restaurat and mobile food carts .

2)There are many kind of rides , sush as , Dragon and Flying Swing .

呢2句有d咩唔岩? thz
* choose form ,  *
*  , sush as ,   *

回答 (5)

2007-06-21 12:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Typo errors (打錯字) & some grammars (文法) not so make sense.
Should be:
1. There are many food outlets (店舖), like restaurant and mobile (流動的) food carts (手推車) for us to choose.
P.S.1. To place restaurant & mobile food carts immediately after food outlets so as to present in good organization (有條理).
P.S.2. " from (由pre.) " instead of " form (表格noun/形成verb) " .

2. There are many kind of rides, such as, Dragon and Flying Swing.

2007-06-21 05:18:13 補充:
大發現喔~~原來such as的前後都是無comma架!以下是官方網頁所引用的內文:Food from grains such as bread, cereal, rice, and pasta are the foundation of a healthy diet.

2007-06-21 05:19:21 補充:
Sourced fm:www.info.gov.hk/elderly/english/healthinfo/lifesty...

2007-06-21 05:23:10 補充:
再來一段來自TDC貿易發展局的例證:The dangerous substances which are covered by the proposed legislation are capable of being used in the manufacture of ordinary consumer products familiar to Hong Kong producers such as toys, textiles and flooring materials.

2007-06-21 05:25:01 補充:
Further sourced fm:http://www.tdctrade.com/alert/eu0222d.htm上述兩個網站都是來自政府部門,準繩度/可信性相當高吧!

2007-06-21 05:30:01 補充:
Revision of sentence 2 as below (WITH CAPITAL LETTERS TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION):2. There are many kindS of rides SUCH AS Dragon and Flying Swing.
2007-06-22 1:19 am
It should be

There are many food outlets for us to choose form the restaurat and the mobile food carts .

There are many kinds of ride sush as Dragon and Flying Swing .

* choose form   *
*   sush as    *
參考: myself
2007-06-21 1:33 am
1)There are many food outlets for us to choose from, restaurants and mobile food marts
2)There are many kind of rides, sush as Dragon and Flying Swing.

Hope it helps.
參考: SELF
2007-06-20 11:52 pm
1)There are many food outlets for us to choose form the restaurat and the mobile food carts .

2)There are many kinds of ride sush as Dragon and Flying Swing .
參考: 英文老師及自己
2007-06-20 11:45 pm
There are many food outlets for us to choose, from restaurat and mobile food carts

There are many kind of rides , sush as Dragon and Flying Swing
參考: Myself

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