How to translate 滿月酒 into English

2007-06-20 11:19 pm
Hello ~~~

May I know how to translate 滿月酒 into English ?

I want to send email in English and invite my freinds and colleagues to come for 滿月酒, may I have any letter samples for reference ?

Many thanks in advance


回答 (2)

2007-06-21 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
How to translate 滿月酒 into English

Dinner party to celebrate the one month old baby.
芵語需要如上才能表達 滿月酒 三個字
參考: SELF
2007-06-20 11:28 pm
a feast celebrating the first month of a newborn baby
參考: yahoo dictionaary

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