以下句子係用乜野 tense

2007-06-20 8:39 pm
You feel dizzy because you've been lying in the sun for too long!

lee個tense 0係乜野情況用ga??

回答 (2)

2007-06-20 8:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我估你是問"have been lying"這個tense吧!

Have/has been + ing是 present perfect continuous tense, 主要用在一個動作在過去開始發生,而其動作到現在還發生緊的意思.它與present continuous (are lying)的不同之處,在於present continuous強調現在發生的動作,而present perfect continuous 則強調過去某一個時間點開始,而動作一直延續到現在還繼續發生.

present perfect continous同present perfect嘅主要分別是,如果用present perfect,該動作在過去開始發生,直至你說話一刻為止.而present perfect continuous ,正如上述所提到,該動作是還在進行當中的.

參考: 自己
2007-06-21 12:47 am
"You feel dizzy because you've been lying in the sun for too long!"用了兩種tense.

"You feel dizzy"是用了現在式(simple present tense).意思是"你感到暈眩"。

"because you've been lying in the sun for too long"是用了過去完成式(present perfect tense).意思是"因為你己經在太陽下躺臥了太久"。

有關過去完成式(present perfect tense)的網站:

有關現在式(present perfect tense)的網站:

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