Which hotel I should stay in L.A.?

2007-06-20 7:11 pm
I'm planning to travel to L.A. U.S. for about 10 days. I plan to join local tour for 7 days and travel by myself for 3-4 days.
1. Please suggest which hotel I should stay, so that I can join the tour easily and can travel around with public transport (e.g.metrolink) easily?
2. Anyone has experience and got the trip plan, e.g.Day 1, Day 2...and with transport info, please provide, (P.S. I don't really want to go to Disney and Universial studio as I will go to Orlando)

Thanks for your suggestion. Actually, I haven't booked any tour. I know some tours picking up at Monterey Park, but I have no idea about this place. Is it in Downtown? any transport e.g. Metro? And how can I get to other tourist spots if I stay there. Many thanks.


Thanks. I think I will join tour first, then go to stay in west LA. Do you know which hotel (and which suburb) is convenient in west LA, close to transport (frequent bus/train nearby) and affordable price? 2. please advise how to travel by transport. Thanks.

回答 (2)

2007-06-21 4:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
能否告知你join的local tour在那裡上車?(e.g which city)
如果你join唐人果d local tour...我可以介紹你唐人街果邊d hotel...
如果唔係,就介紹你西面少少近海邊Santa Monica 既hotel...

睇下你想住邊區,再介紹你坐公車遊LA 既方法 :P

Some Preview:
Santa Monica Pier: http://www.santamonicapier.org/
Getty Center: http://www.getty.edu/visit/see_do/gardens.html
Venice Beach: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venice,_Los_Angeles,_California(瞬間看地球LA影住果個Beach)

2007-06-21 22:50:05 補充:
給你概括既idea...你可大概分LA為3大塊地方‥1)近太平洋的West LA 、Santa Monica (來LA去旅遊我既地方都係呢邊),機場近呢邊2)中間有Downtown (商業區,好雜,唔建議住)3)Downtown以東面的好幾個唐人城市(eg Monterey Park...)

2007-06-21 22:50:36 補充:
P.S. Monterey Park 同 West LA 相距大概 25miles = 40km (中環去深圳咁上下)仲有,公共交通系統係極之差的,因為LA地方太大,而好多人開車‥Suggestion 1 住West LA 方便去LA City 自由行,出發果朝先長途拔涉去Monterey Parka)坐兩個鐘左右既巴士b)叫cab (電召的士) (USD~$50-60 I THINK)c)咪下旅行社有冇係West LA 果邊 pick up

2007-06-21 22:50:57 補充:
Suggestion 2住Monterey Park ,去完local tour 再自家去West LA 玩Suggestion 3 先入住Monterey Park,check out 去join local tour,返來之後轉去West LA 果面d hotel... (酒店suggestion to be cont')

2007-06-22 00:07:56 補充:
Moterey Park Hotel: (豐儉由人)-----------------------------------------------1) 貴又正的有近大街的Hiltonhttp://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/LAXSGHF-Hilton-Los-Angeles-San-Gabriel-California/index.do

2007-06-22 00:08:27 補充:
2) 70% local tour 都係呢間「林肯酒店」對面集合出發,如果決定到tour,你可問佢係咪林肯酒店對面集合‥http://www.lincolnplazahotel.net/chn/index.asp3)仲有一d Motel...睇下你最後想住邊就隨時可以搵以上網址係for information的,如果想訂,1)問你旅行社有冇代訂酒店,然後同下面既website格下價2)http://www.orbitz.com/http://www.travelocity.com/ 一般都可以俾到你唔錯既deal
參考: 吹水不是求分數
2007-06-21 1:52 am

there have many hotel for you to choose...and also the location of those hotel...

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