世界公認的調律大師摩爾( franz mohr )先生

2007-06-20 3:58 pm


brief archival clip of vladimir horowitz's tuner、franz mohr、going to moscow with horowitz in 1986.

摩爾作為steinway藝術家服務部的音樂會技師 從他的前任退休以後 一直為眾多在美國舉行的音樂會進行音樂會服務 當中也包括了horowitz rubinstein等一線鋼琴家 這同樣也是他的前任的職責 也是當摩爾退休後他的繼任的職責

回答 (1)

2007-06-26 8:52 am
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The video itself is great; the commentary, however, is quite superficial. Sounds interesting to a non-musician - which it is meant to be as it's just a short segment on CBS news. Mohr did much more than just tuning the Steinway, which was custom-made for Horowitz. The nasal sound that Mohr mentioned probably applied to the middle registers. The bass is much darker in tone colour than just a nasal sound, neither does the nasal sound noticeable on the treble.

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