What is the meaning of....

2007-06-20 10:07 am
What is the meaning of "by all means" ?

回答 (3)

2007-06-20 5:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
means 意思為「方法」,by all means 即「以任何方法」,意思係肯定會做。如風水佬可能會講:
Avoid getting near water by all means! 你忌水,一定要催避!
A: Can you hold this for me? B: By all means.
其實等於 certainly(當然可以)。
2007-06-20 10:19 am
例:"May I borrow this book?" (我能借這本書嗎?)
"By all means." (當然可以。)
參考: dictionary
2007-06-20 10:13 am
its mean like overall

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