
2007-06-20 8:39 am

回答 (9)

2007-06-20 8:43 am
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KK: [
DJ: [
1. 大廈,大樓
I spent two nights in the mansion.
2. 宅第,官邸,公館
3. 【英】公寓;公寓大樓[P]

2007-06-20 00:47:09 補充:
Dr. Eye online dictionary (free-charged):http://www.dreye.com/tw/index.phpPls key in the word inside the left-hand side at the top of the small box.Then, u can hv the pronouncing with real person.

2007-06-20 00:55:57 補充:
According to Wikipedia: A mansion (also referred to as a country house or manor 領地/莊園) is a large dwelling house (大型住宅) typically (典型地/一般地) built for the wealthy (有錢人). The word itself derives (衍生) (through Old French) from the Latin (拉丁) word.

2007-06-20 01:03:25 補充:
維基網址:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mansion在香港而言,好些大廈的英文地址,棄用BUILDING,而採用MANSION,例子:- 灣仔的ON HING MANSION (安興大廈)- 北角的JAVA MANSION (渣華大樓)

2007-06-20 01:14:05 補充:
那麼,何解用MANSION,而不用一般的BUILDING?大抵是出於個人喜好吧(大廈業主的喜好)!As a matter of fact (事實上), there are many terms to present the address, eg.Liven House (利維大廈)/ National Court (立信大廈)/ Hankow Apartments (漢口大廈)...

2007-06-20 01:17:51 補充:
Hence, explanation in English is diversified (多變化的).Never the only one case (不一而足).
參考: Dr. Eye
2007-08-12 9:19 am
copy cat....
2007-06-21 9:34 am
Mansion = a very big house on a large piece of territory, which occupy by one family only, most of the owner are very rich, but no necessary with a title.
2007-06-20 7:16 pm
雖然上面幾位網友既回答都係岩, 但係冇人用mansion 黎解做大廈架囉
一般黎講當d人講mansion, 佢地都係解"豪宅"
大廈真係少d, 所以如果要講大廈用building或skyscraper(高的大廈) 比較好
如果你意思係豪宅既話用mansion 比較好
用mansion 黎形容大廈會誤導人地
2007-06-20 6:06 pm
2007-06-20 8:54 am

2007-06-20 8:47 am
大廈, 大樓,府第, 官邸, 大宅邸,公寓, 公館,一套房間
2007-06-20 8:44 am
1. 大廈,大樓
I spent two nights in the mansion.
2. 宅第,官邸,公館
3. 【英】公寓;公寓大樓[P]

2007-06-20 00:45:16 補充:
Definitionmansion Show phoneticsnoun [C]a very large expensive house:The street is lined with enormous mansions where the rich and famous live.(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
2007-06-20 8:44 am

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