[do not entertained for....]-----有冇錯???

2007-06-20 7:49 am
Since Marco Polo is a 4-star hotel , do not entertained for " IMPROPER DRESSING "

↑↑↑成句野係咁既,寫果個人話因為係被動,allow定係not allow係個度既人決定,so he put ed after the word entertain

但do後面既verb唔係不變既咩??,但寫果個人又話如果係active就不變,被動一向都係轉做past tense.

咁夠竟句野有冇錯??...咁幾時要加ed????依種句式係passive voice??但passive voice唔係be+p.p既咩????同past tense有咩關係???


回答 (1)

2007-06-20 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案

佢話entertain 加ed係因為被動,係o岩既, 因為某某係被酒店接待,所以係被人entertain,所以係passive voice,ok~,但係都唔可以話do not entertained架

如果想寫 not entertained,就應該咁寫:

Those who are improperly dressed (個object) are not entertained, 或者
Those with improper dressing are not entertained


Since Marco Polo is a 4-star hotel , do not entertain guests with " IMPROPER DRESSING " (主動句)

Since Marco Polo is a 4-star hotel , guests with " IMPROPER DRESSING " will not be entertained. (passive voice)


2007-06-20 00:19:25 補充:
sorry,Since Marco Polo is a 4-star hotel , do not entertain guests with " IMPROPER DRESSING " (主動句) 果句錯左少少...should be:Since Marco Polo is a 4-star hotel , it does not entertain guests with " IMPROPER DRESSING "
參考: myself, I live in US

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