Help Plz....can you translate these words???????

2007-06-20 3:39 am

回答 (1)

2007-06-20 3:50 am
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The Qing Dynasty Kangxi Dynasty three fences are chaotic when approximately has 2,000 people to seek asylum from mainland China reaches this point, the earliest original inhabitant which becomes fragrant Hong Kong Island. The early villagers take Chen Hsing, Huang Hsing and the Luo surname public figure primarily, work at farming as live. Fine celebrated for 24 years (in 1819) to compile "Xinan County annals", once mentioned thinly holds Lin Ts'un was in Hong Kong Island's one of two villages (another encircles for Huang Chuk'eng Hong Kong), was described was "depends on Shan Pangchien, the structure is quite elegant". After Second World War, the massive refugees seek asylum from mainland China reach this point, make in the village the inhabitant number to increase by the original more than 20 households surpass 100 households, the original vegetable garden also gradual development is a house. Took off along with 1980 ages economies, in the village inhabitant only then started to reduce, but at present still had many villagers to live Yu Ts'unnei.

Cultural characteristic
Thinly holds Lin Ts'unhsiang the big pit to be same, also has the dance procession of lanterns or torches the activity, similarly all is Midautumn Festival that very evening holds. Inserts Man Hsiang the procession of lanterns or torches, first thinly is holding the forest village village start, afterwards the elder sister tower carries on to the village in grandfather's elder brother tower and Li Linghsien in front of does obeisance offers a sacrifice to, the final to the Wah fo chun nearby waterfall bay, sinks to in the sea the procession of lanterns or torches, has "the death of the emperor" meaning.

Thinly holds the forest village to divide into three parts: Middle is "encircles the young", south is "the vegetable garden", the village tail is "Long Tzutu". Thinly holds Lin Ts'unnei the house, by brick room and iron-covered room primarily. In addition, in the village has to have the characteristic the tower, named Li Linghsien the elder sister tower, is high approximately 5 meter topes, estimated constructed in 1916.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 20:28:38
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