Marine Animals of Hong Kong

2007-06-20 3:38 am
1) What are the different types of marine animals we can find in Hong Kong?
2) How many kinds are there?
3) What special behaviours do they have?
4) Which part of Hong Kong can we find them

回答 (3)

2007-06-21 9:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Sea hores
2. turtles
3. horseshoe crab
4.Some of the jellyfish
6.chinese white dolphin
Q2 I can't tell you because there are many many kinds of marine animals.
Q3 sea horese are fish .there father laid eggs but their mother hatch it so remember it. and turtle liad eggs in sand and some of the egg was eaten by birds and some are kill by humans so they are marine animals.horseshoe crab lives in hong kong they usally live in the sand and the fishmen ...................find more imformations in ocean's ten

2007-06-21 15:30:18 補充:
the horeseshoe carb lives in the sand and they eat to small animals and some shumps.we can find them in Sha Chow marine park and Lung Go Tan marine park hey are before Human some . Chinese white dolphin lives near tie O they are marine because the terbo jet ship run acorss them and they will die.
參考: project
2007-06-20 6:04 am
1.about ten millions of marine animals.........(search in hk web of fisherman)
2.about 5 millions times(search in hk web of fisherman) in hk web of fisherman
4.little at Victoria Harbour.(maybe)

2007-06-19 22:04:57 補充:
the information maybe wrong because i am not so sure , but.......hope this may help u
2007-06-20 3:57 am
your questions are too great. It can be a passage of over thousand of words. You may find sone infomation at Fisheries, Argculture Dept of HK web site. Good luck!

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