鑽石係 element 定係 compound ?
鑽石係咪 only 由 carbon 所組成?
佢係 element 定係 compound?
回答 (7)
l like your explanation
as well as your determination =]
compound 唔係 mixed with 2 or more substance 嫁咩?
pure diamond 只係由 carbon 組成喎..
同埋 covalent bond 唔係一定組成 compound 嫁喎..
O2 都係 covalent bond 但佢係 element ... @@
同素異構體仲有冇第二d 例子? 有白磷紅磷黑磷,硫,錫
假設條問題問你最堅硬嘅 element 係咩野,
我係咪可以答 diamond?
the 4th post is wrong!
diamond 同 graphite 都由 carbon atom 所組成,都係 element。
兩者都以單一元素所構成,只係 atom arrangement 唔同。
化學上呢類 case 叫 allotrope,中文係同素異構體。
diamond: all C atoms are sp3 hybridized and tetrahedrally connected in a giant covalent structure.
graphite: all C atoms are sp2 hyrbridized and trigonally connected, forming a hexagonal connection with planar structure with the free electrons delocalized within the plane.
結構上既分別導致 diamond 同 graphite 特性唔同,graphite 比 diamond stable。
2007-06-23 12:31:50 補充:
to unoldman2000:allotrope 既其他例子,好簡單:oxygen and ozone 都已經係一個例子diamond 在原素中係咪最堅硬既?在 CE & AL 程度,yes...不過有dmetal 既堅硬程度可以同 diamond 相提並論,邊隻硬都未肯定。for example, iridium metal (Ir)用黎做原子筆筆頭既合金寫字時筆頭所受既壓力極大,但合金中加入少量 Iridium 已經可以承受到該壓力價錢比gold, silver 同 platinum 貴得多..
參考: me
Diamonds are considered as compounds. Here's why -
Elements are ONLY things that exist on the periodic table, ie. a single element/atom.
Compounds are any thing MORE THAN ONE element. It can be a whole lot of the same element combined together. Bonds are formed, hence, it is a compound.
When there are no bonds, they are elements. Carbon is an element - many, many carbons makes diamond, which is a compound.
Or more correctly - covalent network solid.
So be very careful with the definitions.
Hope that helps!
2007-06-20 04:07:21 補充:
To the 1st poster - I think your dad might have the ideas of elements and compounds mixed up.To the poster above me - I'm sorry to say that you're incorrect.
參考: Me
如果一定要用 element 同 compound 黎區分既話
鑽石應該係 element
因為鑽石係由一種 element - carbon 所組成既
compound 既定義係 2 or more elements chemically joined together
由於鑽石只係由一種 element 所組成
咁佢自然就係 element
參考: me*
diamond is compound because it consists of lots of carbon element.
參考: 自己
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