
2007-06-20 3:30 am
請問貓女幾大要閹呢 ?

回答 (3)

2007-06-20 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
貓女大約 6-8個月大就會有第1次發情, 牠係發情期期間會不斷 "叫", 如果你忍受唔到, 你最好就係牠發情前帶牠去做手術, 多數貓女大約 6個月大就可以做, 不過最好當然係問獸醫嘅意見, 因為每隻貓都唔相同, 我 2隻貓女都係喺 5個月大嘅時候做手術, 不過當時獸醫指牠們身重較輕, 在手術期間血壓可能會較低, 但都唔會有生命危險, 最後牠們都手術成功, 你都快d 去問下獸醫嘅意見啦!
2007-06-21 11:31 pm
i brought my girl cat to delex when she was 7 months
2007-06-20 8:01 am
hi, i hv 2 cats, adopted fm SPCA, the recommended desex period is 5 mths, (4 mths may too early, 5 mths just fit, or when they became older, may much terrible and danger for them to hv operation), of coz, better consult with doctor before having the operation, it may also depended by thier health.

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