本人今年26歲, 現想修讀法律課程, 希望可成為律師.

2007-06-20 12:54 am
本人今年26歲, 中五畢業, 是在職人仕, 現想修讀法律課程, 希望可成為律師.
請問: 1) 若現在26歲才開始進修, 會否太遲?
2) 修讀法律課程要有甚麼資格?在那裡可報讀?要讀幾多年?
3) 有無Part Time 型式修讀?因本人仍要工作.

回答 (5)

2007-06-23 9:02 am
✔ 最佳答案

The best way is to get a honour degree first, e.g. OUHK Bachelor of English Language Studies (Hons), as you do not have A Level to study the LL.B. directly.
Then, you can study at the HKU Space for a London U Post-Graduate LL.B. (9 papers, 3 years part-time) or the Manchester Metro University C.P.E./Graduate Diploma in Law (2 years part-time) and the optional top-up LL.B. (1year part-time). Alternatively u can study PT for a Juris Doctor degree at CityU or CU.
Then study for the P.C. LL (Postgraduate Certificate in Laws) at HKU, CityU or Chinese U.
It takes around 11 years all together to finish if you opt for part-time study. Then traineeship for 2 years.
Honest speaking, nowadays an BA(Hons) + LLB or JD + PCLL are grossly insufficient. You may need to take some other programs as well, e.g. an LL.M., PRC Law or Accounting & Financial Law courses etc. to survive.
一D大型 local firms (eg. Deacons, JSM) 或 "Magic Circle" (eg Richards Butler, Clifford Chance, Freshfields, Lovells, Allen & Overy), 佢地其實好少好少收PT 讀 LLB 的學生, 有時甚至一年 in-take 十幾個trainees 之中都冇一個係 part time出身, 除非你真係好多科A. 佢地基本上係講緊要請Oxford, Cambridge 或者Columbia, Harvard, Standford, Yale 留學生, 一係你就HKU top student. 如果你想因為讀PT 而入行, your dad is a listed co. chairman, 否則就不如死心吧.

基本上呢班PT 學生都會最後揾到工, 但唔係轉咗做會計財務,就係係果D 人工非常非常奀的中國人law firm. 最主要原因係大型公司有種族歧視 (But if u have mainland background that is another matter), second 係大型公司需要2年前簽定晒trainee, 等佢地兩年後畢業就入來做. 但係響呢個2年前的selection 過程係好少有呢D PT 學生. 若要你開工的兩年前要簽定一個大行, 我可以告訴你, Lond U 的合格率係非常低, 你揾咩好成績去報名?

如果你本身依家 26, 不過有一個事實係讀完都四十歲, 果D大firm的老闆 (尤其 city firm 果D), 佢地覺得你唔挨得 (即不能七日七夜不睡眠). 你要知道呢 D大公司果D corporate finance team 係需要你經常通霄工作, 我都見過有律師七日七夜不睡. 唔係話你唔怕挨, 而係老闆會唔信. 所以佢地點都要果D fresh grad
好多成績好好嘅Law友讀完P.C.LL.或做完trainee solicitor or bar pupil 之後都死死地去讀MAcc / Post-graduate Diploma in Accountancy,考HKICPA QP 或大陸CPA 搏入big 4,因為做会計師收入比做law友多好幾倍,揀law讀之前要唸清楚,而家law graduates比市場實際需要多出十倍 (但會計就工揾人),除非你老豆同D corporate finance lawyer 或者D大孖沙 好熟,肯定入到Richard Butlers or Allen & Overy咁就唔同,做細行general practice 好有經驗一个月都未必揾到$6,000-7,000,你一定後悔,徐非你對law好有興趣,唸住做PhD in law 咁又唔同睇法。
同讀會計唔同,而家己经好少Law School畢業生打算 end up as a solicitor or barrister,近年大部份法律畢業生都在商界工作,例如城大 LL.M.(法学碩士) in International Economic Law 咁 130 学生,除了個別几个外,絕大部份学生都在或打算左商界工作,其他院校 D LL.M. e.g. in Corporate and Financial Law, Intellectual Property Law 亦是如此,在香港会計出路的確係好好多,会計大熱,不如讀会計 la

法律並不易讀,但讀完之後,無乜出路,又不能受惠大陸高速经濟發展的好處,只是多了個律師的虛名。因此,我建議你讀會計、金融財務或工商管理會較好。正所謂唔做律師一世好、做咗law 友一世窮、事主唸清楚
2017-04-08 12:34 am
For Legal help I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://FINANCEANDLOANS.INFO/index.html?src=5YAttzxiSQ321

RE :本人今年26歲, 現想修讀法律課程, 希望可成為律師.
本人今年26歲, 中五畢業, 是在職人仕, 現想修讀法律課程, 希望可成為律師.
請問: 1) 若現在26歲才開始進修, 會否太遲?
2) 修讀法律課程要有甚麼資格?在那裡可報讀?要讀幾多年?
3) 有無Part Time 型式修讀?因本人仍要工作.
Follow 4 answers
參考: For Legal help I recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. http://FINANCEANDLOANS.INFO/index.html?src=5YAttzxiSQ321
2017-02-13 9:49 am
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2007-06-20 8:24 am

你說的part time.基本上是不可能的。

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