Present Perfect Tense & Present Perfect Continuous Tense 的問題

2007-06-19 11:01 pm
我都唔明Present Perfect Tense & Present Perfect Continuous Tense兩個的分別。

回答 (3)

2007-06-22 7:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Present Perfect Tense (現在完成式):

Subject + have/has + past participle of verb (過去分詞)

a. 一件事開始時是過去, 一直持續到現在
She has worked on the same job for 20 years.
(佢20年前開始做呢份工,做到今日仲做緊, 所以用現在完成式)

b. 一件事在過去已經完成, 但可能會再發生
We have had three tests this semester.
(由學期開始到而家已經有3 個測驗, 由於學期未結束, 可能仲有更多測驗)

c. 一件事在過去已經完成, 但無確實講明係幾時完成(或根本唔重要)
I have seen that movie.
He has read that book.

但當如果有問幾時, 個答案就會變成簡單過去式. 如:
A: I have seen that movie.
B: When?
A: I saw it yesterday.

Present Perfect Continuous (現在完成進行式):

a. 一個動作開始於過去, 但持續到現在
通常會跟著for, since, all morning, all day, all week 等字
I have been sitting here since 2 o'clock. (I am still sitting)
I have been studying for 3 straight hours. (I am still studying)
It has been raining all day. (It is still raining right now.)

b. 當時間上無明顯提及幾時完成, 而過去到現在一直在進行中
I have been thinking about changing my major.
(have been thinking <--- 一直都諗緊)
My back hurts, so I have been sleeping on the floor lately.
(最近都keep 住o係地下訓)

c. 有些情況下, 可以跟現在完成式通用
I have lived here since 2000.
I have been living here since 2000.

I have worked at the same company for five years.
I have been working at the same company for five years.

注意: 狀態動詞(Stative)並不識用於現在完成進行式.
如: know, realize 等.
參考: grammar teacher
2007-06-20 6:31 am
Present perfect tense is for the action which began in the past, and has ocntinued up to the present.

She has studied for ten years. It suggests her finishing her studies.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense is for an action which began in the past, and has ocntinued up to the present, and will probably go on into the future.

She has been studying for ten years. It suggests she go on her studies. .
參考: An English teacher
2007-06-20 1:43 am
其實你大可以只用Present Perfect Tense 就得ga la,
因為Present Perfect Continuous Tense 只係個verb 多左仲做緊既意思
不過有d 情況下都會真係幾難分

I&#39;ve studied for 10 years.
I&#39;ve been studying for 10 years.

比我揀我一定用前者, 因為錯既機會低d
再者, 好似present tense 同埋present continuous tense 咁, 用唔用continuous tense 係作者話事
我有時問呢d問題, d 老師都好似唔係好肯定, 因為係要睇下個作者想表達邊一種意思, 尤其是係mc cloze

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