求10個 housework (英文) 20mark!

2007-06-19 9:58 pm
求10個 housework (英文)

回答 (7)

2007-06-19 10:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. sweeping the floor
2. moping the floor
3. vacuuming the house
4. preparing for meal (breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner)
5. tidying up the table
6. washing the dishes
7. tidying up the bedroom / bed
8. tidying the garden
9. cleaning the house (toilet / windows / furniture / dining room)
10. washing the clothes
11. drying the clothes
12. walking / feeding the pets
13. throwing the garbage
14. packing schoolbag
15. disciplining the children
16. fixing the electrical appliances
17. telling bedtime stories to children
18. mastering the maid
19. decorating the house (Christmas, Lunar New year)
20. inviting friends / relatives to your house

2007-06-19 22:45:21 補充:
21. ironing22. dusting23. polishing (floor / furinture / shoes)24. shopping (buying food)25. folding the clothes26. marketing / bargaining27. making coffee / tea for spouse28. massaging the spouse29. arranging the clothes30. packing miscellananea
參考: 請問夠捂夠?
2007-06-19 11:38 pm
You are cps5B學生
2007-06-19 11:06 pm
washing dishes
washing clothes
watering grass
clean the floor
iron the clothes
cut the grass
clean the fruniture
vacum the floor
參考: my mum
2007-06-19 10:27 pm
1. Doing the laundry (=washing clothes)
2. Tidying the closet (=organizing clothes)
3. Ironing the clothes
4. Cleaning the toilet
5. Mopping the floor
6. Cooking lunch or dinner
7. Dusting the electric appliances
8. Vacumn cleaning the carpet
9. Polishing the shoes
10. Cleaning the windows
參考: myself
2007-06-19 10:20 pm
1)wash dishes
2)wash clothes
3)wipe the floor
4)clean up
6)baby sitting
8)throw out garbages
9)organize the house
10) buying things

hope this can help you^^ Good luck`
參考: me
2007-06-19 10:07 pm
sweep the floor
wash the dashes
cook the dinner
clean the windows
clean the toilet
tidy up the bed
wash the clothes
tidy up the toy
throw the rubbish
feed the pets
2007-06-19 10:07 pm
washing d clothes
taking care of babby
washing your car
參考: me

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