May I be excused?
.......natural call......
May I go to the lavatory / washroom / WC / restroom / toilet?
仲可以點講, 邊個最口語化?
例如 What is it? 外國人重音擺系個 is 字
相返, 香港人講 What is it 無重音, 就好港式英文
gum 一句有4個syllable(音節)重音又擺邊? (eg. How old are you?)
仲有, 好多英文字後面加 le, 但系意思一樣/差捂多,
例如 sniff = sniffle, 可捂可以解釋一下
(there are 3 questions, but I hope u can try your best to tell me all you know)