
2007-06-19 7:11 pm
They have long arms in witer.
They have short or no arms in summer.
They are with us nearly all the time.
Tjey come in small,medium or large.
We don't need them when we take a bath or shower.
I'm wearing one now with a flower.

What are'they' ?

回答 (8)

2007-06-19 7:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
T-Shirt, or clothes ^__^
參考: myself~~
2007-06-20 12:23 am
They're underwears with the brand ‘chrysanthemum’

2007-06-20 23:14:46 補充:
It is clothes. x
They're clothes.
2007-06-19 8:14 pm
They are clothes.
2007-06-19 7:52 pm
2007-06-19 7:50 pm
A clothe T-shirt
2007-06-19 7:37 pm
"They" are our clothes.

Why I say that because there are many hints from the pome that you show us.

The most easy hint is the last sentence .
You can think of by looking it. There is a word *Wearig * .
It is very clear that this thing you can wear it then,what will you wear usually all the time.
May be I can say which noun will match a verd "wear".

Then you can absolutely guess what is it.
Besides, if you still not sure you can look at the fifth line. It tells you you will take it off, so you can imagine what wil you take off before you have a shower.

And I can assure that *they* must be clothes.
That clothes may be pover, T-shirt, or other kind or style of clothes.
But gernally, they are called clothes.
參考: me
2007-06-19 7:24 pm
They are shirt.

There are some typo error in your poem:
‘Witer ‘ should be "Winter "
'Tjey ' should be "They "
2007-06-19 7:21 pm
They are our clothes.
Our T-shirt,
because we wear 長袖in winter,
wear短袖in summer.
參考: myself

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