我想做護士, 有咩途徑?

2007-06-19 3:09 pm
I'm F.7 student and have the following questions:

1. 有無人 sure QEH 個 nursing HD course 今年一定開?
if yes, 幾時開班?
幾時有得 apply?
any basic entrance requirement?
有無人 graduate there? share your experience please~
係咪讀完即刻可以做 RN?


回答 (2)

2007-06-19 5:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
係咪讀完即刻可以做 RN? yes
Bachelor of Nursing
There are no additional entrance requirements for admission to the programme, but candidates should preferably have obtained a Grade E or above in Biology/Human Biology in HKCEE.
查詢電話 Tel: 2819-2600
幾時開班? 幾時有得 apply?
網頁上找不到, 請自行致電查詢
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.hku.hk/nursing
Who to apply
Candidates who are Secondary Seven pupils in a local school taking the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) in 2007, or those who are not currently students in secondary schools but wish to apply for admission on the strength of their HKALE qualifications, should apply through JUPAS.
Entrance Requirements
Candidates are required to obtain passes in both HKCEE* and HKALE*, in the following manner:
(a) Grade E or above in at least seven subjects at the first and/or second attempt which must include:
(i) Grade E or above in at least six subjects obtained at one and the same time;
(ii) Grade E or above in English Language (syllabus B), or
Grade C or above in English Language (syllabus A);
(iii) Grade E or above in a language other than English; and
(iv) Grade E or above in Mathematics.
(b) Grade D or above in AS Use of English;
(c) Grade E or above in AS Chinese Language and Culture; and
(d) Grade E or above in two AL subjects; or
Grade E or above in one AL subject and in two AS subjects other than Use of English and Chinese Language and Culture; or
Grade E or above in four AS subjects other than Use of English and Chinese Language and Culture.
(A candidate who satisfies the requirement (a) (iii) above with a language other than Chinese, or who has obtained a Grade E or above in AL Chinese Literature, may be exempted from the requirement in (c) above, provided that he/she obtains Grade E or above in an AL or AS subject other than Use of English and in addition to those required in satisfying requirement (d) above.)
Detailed University entrance requirements are set out in Appendix I. These are clearly stated to ensure that there is no misunderstanding of what is required. The flow chart in Appendix II helps to show whether a particular student will be able to satisfy the University entrance requirements.
Additional Programme Entrance Requirements
The majority of programmes of study have additional requirements which candidates must satisfy before admission. The additional requirements are to ensure that they have reached the required level in certain subjects which it would be unwise to begin from scratch at university level, or which form a necessary background to their course.

2007-06-22 3:17 am
你可以打2958 8428..係詢問處黎ge..你問下個HD..佢會幫你接去相關ge department~~
basic entrance requirement:::一定要有AL ge程度..有一個D我諗都得架喇~Full cert~唔使講UE同CLC當然要合格啦~
3年之後..你pass埋nursing coucil個公開試..你拎左RN牌..咁你就係一個RN喇~

2007-06-25 15:58:12 補充:

2007-07-04 20:50:42 補充:

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