
2007-06-19 12:24 pm
As google doesn't have much (or no) advertising as yahoo, how can it be NO.1 search engine in Canada ?(and other countries)

回答 (2)

2007-06-19 6:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes,you are correct that It may not looking have a lot advertisement at the web page. However, it has a lot of linkage, collaboration contract and do ahve some search marketing etc that make a lot of money. A lot of profit and revenue are counted by search. As you know the search power of Google is much much better than most of the other search engines so that I has a great power to earn money.
Just have you read the recent news that the relationship of E-Bay and Google. All these are their connection which connected to huge amount of money for google.

Google by developing it powerful search status so it can maintain it usage rate. As it is so powerful, more people find it is convenience to use it and so it have the bargaining power with it's contractors. A lot of web page have actually paid to use google as their search engine.
2007-06-19 12:34 pm
No advertising? Are u kidding?

What do you mean by google doesn't have much advertising as yahoo?
You mean google adveritses herself, or google only has a few advertisements on each page, or google only has a small revenue generated from advertisement?

What do you mean by no. 1? The largest user base? The most useful result? Or the most profit maknig?

2007-06-21 05:14:07 補充:
so ur "no.1" means the largest user basewhat do u meant by "doesn't have much (or no) advertising" then?

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