Router 的正確發音

2007-06-19 10:57 am
一般坊間都會將router讀作[rau ter].但其實它跟rout 一詞無關,它是由route 演變而來的一個電腦名詞,理應讀作[route ter].我以為人們一直誤讀了,但我現在讀計算機科學系,所有教授(無論本國還是外國的)都把它讀作[rau ter].
於是我查字典音標,發現更離奇!首先我查Dr. Eye,得出前截音標跟route相同,都是[ru:t],所以,根據音標應該讀[route ter].而我按發音鍵,得出的發音亦正是[route ter].
但我再查yahoo字典,聲稱supported by Dr. Eye.得出同一個音標,但一按發音鍵,聽到的竟然是很多人讀的[rau ter]! 怎麼?同一個音標竟然會有兩個讀法?
然後我再查Cambridge Online Dictionary, 竟然沒有router 這個詞! 那麼,有人可以告訴我這個詞的真正發音嗎?最好具備權威性的證據!

回答 (3)

2007-06-24 10:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
這是一個很好的問題,而你的論據十分正確,它是由 route 演變而來,所以讀作[route ter]是很合理。


我的確都聽過這兩個不同的讀法出自不同的 native English speakers ,相信這不是英音和美音分別。有些人把 route 讀作 /raut/,他們自然把 router 讀成 /ˈrautər/,也有一些人因為個人喜好而把 router 讀成 /ˈrautər/。如果你要問哪一個是「真正發音」,我相信不同權威有不同答案,因為英文是世界性語言,不同的地區必定有其差異。

並不是每本字典都會列出一個字的所有讀音,不同的字典對相同的字的讀音可能有不同的取向。但是我根據個人的經驗, Yahoo 字典的發音有時會不同於它所列出的音標(可能是因為發音及字典是由不同供應商提供?)

你可參考一下一些 native speaker 的討論

I did not intend to answer this question though it was a good and interesting one. But I changed my mind after reading the previous answer, which includes some grammatical and spelling mistakes. These mistakes are not significant though. It is just its strange pronunciation 'theory' that drew my attention. But it was no surprise to me as when I taught in US, I found the English level of some native speaking university students were just so horrible. I could not deny that their spoken English could be very good and much better than me. But being native speakers do not mean they are good at that language. You can easily understand this by considering the Chinese standard of the local university students in Hong Kong. And even we are Chinese, we don't know the proper pronunciation of every Chinese word and its history.
2007-06-19 4:32 pm
Route 這個字,英國人讀[ru:t],而美國人就讀[raut]。
所以router 是route的衍生字,就有同樣的問題。
參考: 自己
2007-06-19 11:17 am
There is such a word router in fact from Merriam-Webster Online dictionary. And it's 'rau ter' as you can see.
However, since this is a made-up word in computers, I would pronounce it as 'route ter' because it is routing after all. Some people may pronounce it as 'rau ter' - I have to admit that was my first reaction when I saw that word as well without knowing with a router is! Now if you look at the word -
Rout (a crowd of ppl) - the correct pronunciation is RAUT (from Merriam-Webster
So it's not surprising that ppl would say 'Rauter' and 'Router'. My personal take is that both are acceptable in the field of computers at long both parties know what each is talking about!
Hope that made sense.

2007-06-19 16:38:50 補充:
Keep in mind that Rout is still pronounce RAUT whether it's British or American english.
參考: Me

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