中番英 .......考試要用...急...口語

2007-06-19 8:13 am
thinking back in your life , what was your most expensive purchase? how did you get the money to buy it?

在我生命中 , 我購買過最貴的是電單車 , 為什麼我會買它? 因為我覺得我們的學校實在太大了,有部電單車比較
方便, 而且食飯時間通常只有一~二小時 , 這樣我出去食飯可以幫我節省很多的時間,而且出去市區也比較方便.,不用經常乘巴士.

回答 (3)

2007-06-19 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
In my life, the most expensive thing that I have ever bought would be a motorcycle. Why did I buy it? It is because I feel that our school is simply too big and having a motorcycle would be more convenient. Besides, our lunch hours are usually limited to one or maximum two hours. This way, when I go out to eat, it would save me a lot of time. It is also easier to visit the countryside, as there is no need to take the bus so often. The money which I used in buying the motorcycle, partly came from my mother, others came from my own savings. But of course, the major part was from my mother. At first, my mother did not agree in buying the motorcycle as she thought it was too dangerous. In the end, she was persuaded.

Hope this is useful! Cheers~
參考: Me, Myself, Of course
2007-06-19 8:00 pm
the most expensive thing (好過stuff...因為stuff有少少係唔重要的東西的意思, 或者冇分類ge東西) i have ever bought in my life was a motorbike. why would i buy it? (我覺得這比上面譯的 why did i buy it適合) it is because our school is too big. having a motorbike would be more convenient. also, we usually only had 1-2 hours for lunch, therefore the motorbike can help me save (上面有個譯了help me to save, 但是help之後其實是不用加 to 的) time. i can ride my motorbike to the city centre instead of taking bus. (我覺得這句之前再用「而且」的話, 就會很累贅和多餘. 不用也是通順的)
part of the payment was paid by my mom, and some of it was from my own savings. however, mom paid more than i did.
my mom didn't allow me to buy a motorbike at first, because she thought it would be dangerous. fortunately (這個其實解幸好. 我不用「但是」是因為我覺得又會重複了以上的however), she was persuaded by me at last.

2007-06-19 12:02:41 補充:
SORRY, 我上面的we usually only had 1-2 hours for lunch應該是we usually only have 1-2 hours for lunch才對.
參考: 完全自己
2007-06-19 8:42 am
In my life, the most expensive stuff that I have bought is a motor-cycle. Why did I buy that? It was because I thought it would be more convenient for me to get around within our huge campus. And it would save me much time if I wanted to go outside the campus for food, because I only have about one to two hour lunch break. Also it would be more convenient for me if I wanted to go downtown. I did not have to take the bus as much as before. Part of the money I spent on that motor-cycle, besides that of my saving, was given by my mum. That was also a more significant amount.

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