中文字 英文點講? (10分)

2007-06-19 8:06 am
le D 中文字成日用, 但系英文點講?

1. 流鼻血

2. Sung鼻涕 / 包雲吞

3. Sort鼻涕 (當你無紙巾包雲吞, 但系又捂想D鼻涕流出來, 就會Sort返落個鼻到)

4. 鼻屎

5. 加油

6. 無奈

(捂該各位幫幫忙, thx)

回答 (6)

2007-06-19 10:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. nose bleed
2. blow your nose
3. sniffle
4. booger
5. good luck/ all the best/ finger crossed
6. speechless
參考: myself, living overseas
2007-06-19 10:54 pm
1. Nose bleeding
2. (Don't have in English)
3. (Don't have in English)
4. Booger
5. Cheer Up
6. Helpless

Hope it helps!

2007-06-19 14:58:10 補充:
5. You can't find from the dictionary but we usually use it to cheer up others.
參考: My english database
2007-06-19 8:15 pm
1. nosebleeding/nosebleed 視乎你點講. 通常講i am nosebleeding. 如果你想話你經常流鼻血, 就話i always nosebleed.

2. blow your/my nose.

3. preventing the mucus from running out by sucking it back into the nostrles

4. booger

6. i really can't help it/ 或直接說i'm like, "ok..." 就是指你不知道怎樣反應了.

2007-06-19 12:17:57 補充:
sorry! 漏左第5添...外國人係冇「加油」ga, 佢地淨係會講good luck. add oil只係香港英文, 外國人唔明ga.
參考: 自己在外國讀書的
2007-06-19 8:26 am
1. As most of the ppl say, nose bleed
2. ...... Sneezing?? not quite there
3. sniffing/sniff
4. excrement is a little too formal, we would say nose dirt in daily life..
5. This concept doesn't excist in English. But people would say "Good Luck!" in situations when we say "add oil"
6. helpless.
2007-06-19 8:18 am
1.Flow nosebleed
4.Nose excrement
2007-06-19 8:10 am
4. nose shit
5. add oil

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