
2007-06-19 8:03 am
如果我有3000蚊我會買一些電子產品 ,例如mp3,mp4.........理由一:我可以在我悶的時候聽音樂或睇電影,
理由二: 我習慣性都要一邊聽音樂一邊溫習,所以我在圖書館溫書它可以幫到我
理由三: 林時考試都要交一些錄音報告,所以有了它會比較方便
理由四: 因為它體積非常細小,方便放在口袋中
理由5: 因為現在的mp3,mp4儲存容量都很大,除了聽歌之外我可以當手指使用.

回答 (3)

2007-06-21 4:24 am
If I have 3000 mosquitoes I will buy some electronic products, such as mp3, mp4 .........Reason one: Whether I can listen to the music or look askance film when I am bored, 2 reason. Whether I habituation is it listen to the music review to want, so I warm book it can is it get me 3 reason to help in library. Whether Lin Shi examination is it pay some tape-recorded speech to want, have it can facilitate four reason relatively. Because it is very tiny in volume , it is convenient to put in 5 China's reasons of the pocket: Because at present mp3, mp4 store the capacity very much heavy, I may act as the finger is used except listening to the song.
2007-06-19 8:43 pm
if i had (用have是錯的, 因為如果是假設的話是要用past tense的) $3000, i would buy some electronic devices, like mp3, mp4, etc. (其實如果你想specific一d指明係用來聽歌ge電子產品, 可以用listening devices)
reason one: i could (同樣, 唔係用can) listen to music or watch movies when i am bored.
reason two: i have a habbit of listening to music while doing review, therefore with my mp3 or mp4, i could do it even when i am studying in the library.
reason three: in provisional examinations, recording reviews are always required. an mp3 could help me on this. (唔好意思, 我唔係好明你ge錄音報告係咩...recording reviews係指聽完錄音之後寫ge報告)
reason four: the electronic devices are small in size and can be put into pockets. (在這裏用can的原因是因為這個不是假設的情況, 而是本身的事實)
reason five: since mp3s and mp4s (記住加s) nowadays have big capacities for saving songs, i could use them as a XX (<--我不明白你說手指的意思?!! 什麼叫做可以當手指用?!) besides listening to music.

上面其他人的解答我沒有詳細看, 但就是看到用錯have的地方. 而且我剛剛飛快地掃過某些解答, 看到有些句子不完整或不通順.

2007-06-19 12:44:59 補充:
對了, 用mp3 players和mp4 players會比較好
參考: 完全自己
2007-06-19 8:13 am
If I have $3,000.00, I will buy some electronic products, such as, mp3, mp4, etc. The reasons are as follows : -
(1) I can listen to music or watch movies when I feel boring
(2) I have the habit of listening to music while I was studying, therefore it will be of some assistance to me when I was in the library
(3) Just before the examination I have to hand over some recorded reports, it will be very convenient when using it
(4) As the size is small, it will be convenient when placing it inside the pocket
(5) As the memory capacity of the mp3 or mp4 is great, apart from using it to listen to music, I can also use it as a removable storage disk.

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