
2007-06-19 7:27 am
我放左錢入信封喇 但唔記得入埋張收據

回答 (4)

2007-06-19 11:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
you don't really need to put the deposit slip back to the envelope
actually when you process the deposit, the data, such as bank a/c # will print on the envelope via the machine itself, and since you already keyed in the a/c info, their atm log report will also have that. and put the deposit slip into the envelope is just only for the secondary security for cross check only... so don't worry, the $ will still be deposit even you don't report that....actually for this incident, you don't have to report that at all. I will suggest you just keep the receipt and check your account after 1-2 working days (coz depends on your cut off time) and if there isn't any $ after 3 working days, then you might need to think of report that
BUT, for next time, if possible, remember to put the slip into the envelope, that will be the best scenario.
2007-06-19 7:42 am
我記得部櫃員機附近好似有聯絡電話,如果沒有你明天一早去銀行講給銀行職員知,最緊要可以提供到你存錢時的分行地點,部櫃員機所在既位置(號碼),你什麼時候存錢及存幾多錢,例如 : $100幾多張、$500幾多張、和$1000幾多張。

2007-06-18 23:47:24 補充:
2007-06-19 7:33 am
參考: me
2007-06-19 7:32 am

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