RUNESCAPE 一問 ( 5 點 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

2007-06-19 6:46 am
最好的賺錢方是甚麼? Dragon Slayer 的 dragon 易不易打 , 最好帶咩嘢去?

回答 (4)

2007-06-19 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
最好賺錢的方法是打Hill giant(Level-28) or Moss giant(Level-42),拿big bones!!!(最好去World102)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
然後去World1or3or4!!!個到會有人buy b bones 400ea!!!你就同this played trade!!!
Dragon Slayer 的 dragon(Level-83)不易打!!!
food:Swordfish or Lobs
wepon:rune batter axe or rune scim
裝甲:full rune(you can't wear rune pl8,so you can wear rune china body or addy pl8)and
(don't wear rune kite!you MUST wear Anit-dragon sheild)so the dragon can only扣你10hips!!!!

hope can help you!!!!!!^.^
參考: me and rune hq(
2007-06-19 8:24 pm
Sell big bones(多數400元一個)

Dragon Slayer 的 dragon 易不易打 , 最好帶咩嘢去?
Dragon Slayer 的 dragon不易打,最好帶:
Wepon:rune batteraxe
food:多D血既食物,str point(如要)
sheild:anit-dragon sheild(一定要wear,隻dragon噴火時,最多扣你10血)
set:full rune


2007-06-19 12:27:30 補充:
我有d改,你wear唔到rune pl8,最好wear addy pl8
參考: 我同我...d fan
2007-06-19 4:46 pm
i thing runecraft is the最好的賺錢的
Dragon Slayer 的 dragon 不易打
use ? Dragon fire shield full rune addy plate food and good prayer
參考: me
2007-06-19 8:09 am
mining or fishing or even crafting!!!

If you not in lvl50 or above, i suggest u dont go to kill it.

If u sure u can beat it, u must bring that anti-dragon shield and foods such as lobster or more restore hp fish!!

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