
2007-06-18 9:57 pm


回答 (3)

2007-06-19 8:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
HKU Faculty of Law is still the best in HK as it has more Chair Professors and offers more courses in particular in Human Rights, English Common Law, Financial Law & etc. CityU Law School is the 2nd law school in HK. It has more than 15 years' history but the CUHK's law school has only one year history. The CU's faculties including the dean are actually from the CityU. School leavers prefer CUHK but CityU has much better ranking in research in particular in the areas of science, engineering and computing according to a recent survey conducted by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I can tell you that the CityU's LLM and JSD in International Economic Law and Chinese and Comparative Law and its MA in Commercial Arbitration are still no. 1 in Hong Kong.
All CityU JD courses are conducted in the University's Kowloon Tong campus which are supported by a world class law library and superb accommodations but the CU JD course are all taught at an office block in Central.
The CityU JD is also more "international" than the CU counterpart. There are large no. of students from Mainland China, Germany, France and many other counteries studying for the JD, LLM and JSD at the CityU. The CU law students (including the JD) are very local.

To obtain a JD, you need to submit a JD dissertation and take several elective courses from the LL.M list which are not required for the LL.B. However, JD is a professional law program. You cannot use the prefix Dr. before your name after graduation.

If you wanna to be a lawyer, LLB is better as it is cheaper and faster. You need to do the P.C.LL thereafter. However, if do not want to be a lawyer (e.g. you are an investment banker or accountant), JD should be the better choice.
2007-06-19 3:16 am
要留意, 香港既大學, 除左港大同中大外, 仲有城大都有法律讀.
2007-06-19 2:17 am
In Hong Kong, LLB needs to take 4 years to complete.

Of course, HKU is much much better than CUHK in terms of the history, facilities and the alumni connections.......

Please be reminded that after completing the LLB doesn't mean you can be a lawyer. You still need to take the PCLL (Postgraduate Certificate in Law - one year (FT) or two years (PT) in order to grant the qualification to practice as Solicitor Trainee or Pupilage (Barrister).

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