英文會話問題~ thx

2007-06-18 9:18 pm
想問一問..... "這一件禮物你的媽媽一定不會擔心" and "趕走晒所有客人" 的英文點講?

thx 各位高手

回答 (3)

2007-06-19 10:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
In my opinion, all the translations above for the 1st sentence are all 'direct translation', meaning it has lost its points from Chinese to English.
By saying 'Your mother would not worry about this present (or anything similar)' is suggesting that 'if mum doesn't get this, she WILL be worried!'
I think the question is referring to 'if you give this present to mum, she wouldn't MIND, it would suit her.' - is that right? In that case, I'd say -
'You mum would have no worries with this present.' or
'Mum would not mind this present.'
This suggests that mum should feel OK with this present.
This depends on how to kicked out the guests! Did you -
'scared the guests away'?
'kicked the guests out'?
'kindly asked them to leave'?
'impolitely threaten the guests away?'
The above are all possible correct translations to the Chinese sentence.
So be careful of 'direct translations'! Esp. those from translation web pages.
Hope that helps.
參考: Me - in my own words!!
2007-06-18 9:37 pm
Your mother won't worry about this prasent
2007-06-18 9:36 pm
這一件禮物你的媽媽一定不會擔心:Your mother wouldn't worry this present.
趕走晒所有客人:Expels all visitors.

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