passive voice

2007-06-18 9:02 pm
the following sentence will use active or passive voice??All of them are in past tense!!
1)I dream I can see Puppy at the doorway of my bedroom but when I ______(call)him,he_______(disappear)
2)And once something really funny_______(occur)in my dream.
3)A ball______(throw)to me.

回答 (2)

2007-06-18 11:22 pm
1) called, disappeared (active)
2) occured (active)
3) was thrown (passive)
2007-06-18 9:11 pm
1) called / disappeared (active)
2) occurred (active)
3) was thrown (passive)

2007-06-18 13:22:22 補充:
注意 occur 的過去式係 occuRRed

2007-06-21 08:57:23 補充:
occur 的過去式係 occuRRed

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