Grammar 問題

2007-06-18 8:45 pm

1.Anything you think is important?

2.Anything do you think is important?

3.Anything you think important?

4.Anything do you think important?

回答 (5)

2007-06-19 2:26 am
1.正確既問題係要有 do/verb to be. anything you think is important, 其實好多時我們用think既時候,都會用think that, 後來呢個that慢慢唔駛寫, 所以i think it is important係岩既, 唔係有2個verb.. 不過呢個係口語, 如果講就無問題la..但寫就唔岩.

2.呢個就差唔多岩la. anything do you think is important? do you think 就係正確既問題方法.

3.4都唔岩,因為important之前係要有個verb to be 既,因為important 係adj
2007-06-19 12:38 am
你四句都有問題, 寫文唔咁寫.
你係咪問人, 你覺得有無野重要

如果咁 我建議用 something
本來 anything 同 something 用法係差唔多
但 anything 比較聽落, 你好似預人冇野咁.

Do you think something is important?
跟住 人地可以答返 I think XXXXX is important.
咁樣好似通 d
2007-06-18 11:24 pm
All four are wrong.

The correct one should be: Do you think anything is important?
2007-06-18 9:00 pm

1.Anything you think is important?

2.Anything do you think is important?


3.Anything you think important?

一條問題一定要有(如果有verb)do,does,did 但是沒有verb就are,is,am

4.Anything do you think important?

subject,verb and obyect 都用對了,不過次序亂了

正確是:Do anything you think important?

2007-06-18 21:18:55 補充:
Do anything you think IS important?即然是這樣,Do anything 後面點解有兩個verb啊1.important 2.think正確是:Do anything you think importance?

2007-06-19 17:21:20 補充:
is 都是verb(忘記了)都有兩個verb think and is
參考: myself
2007-06-18 8:49 pm
5. Does anything you think is important?

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