(6/18)_特急...中譯英 ~~唔要翻譯機英文 !!!

2007-06-18 8:04 pm
比妳譯會點譯做英文呀 ????

想話 : 有關大貨訂單貨期問題 ~~已與我老細傾過 ~~希望你明白由於貴司 q.c dept 批核時間比較緩慢 ~~及同一時間女裝同男裝部門回覆評語及需於同時間走貨 ~~所以做成工廠生產線好大壓力 !!! 工廠緊本唔可能於同時間生產咁大數量成品出黎 ~~ 所以我地會於六月尾開始陸續出貨及最快於七月底前完成所有大貨 !! 煩請見諒 ~~ 另外會於妳地下次黎開會時商討批核程序問題以便於下學改善 ~~

回答 (2)

2007-06-18 8:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
according to the invoice payment credit problem, I have discuss with my boss. I hope you can understand your company ' s q.c.dept approve take longer...at the same time, the ladies and men's wears department reply feedback and need to release goods at the same period. Thus, the production factory lines are under big pressure.
It is nearly impossible for the factory to make a large scale of finished goods, so let say we will release goods in late June and finished in lastest end of July. Sorry for any inconvience cause to your company.
On the other hand, we will improve our service and discuss the approval progress problem by our next time meeting.
參考: hope can help not good enough but i think u need it now
2007-06-18 8:59 pm
I have already talked to my boss about the finishing date of the large amount of goods. I hope you understand that it takes quite a long time for the approvement from the q.c. department of your company, the comments from the Ladies and Gentleman department, and also sending out the goods; which makes difficulties for the factory to manufacture such a huge amount of goods in a short time.
Therefore we will be producing them in the end of June and finishing them before the end of July for sure.

I would like to apologize for causing you the troubles and also discuss the procedure of approvement with you in the next meeting so to do it better next time.
Thank you for your attention.
參考: myself, an UK student

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