請問在美國工作要交多少稅,還有沒有人可以提供美國的稅率 ??

2007-06-18 7:04 pm
本人想過美國工作,朋友介紹我過去幫佢的親戚,佢地係波多黎各果度開迴轉壽司店,請我過去做壽司學徒,每月USD3000,給我宿舍,但機票要自己去。想問大家覺得是否值得過去發展呢 ??對比香港是否會好一點呢 ??

所以希望大家可以告訴我USD3000工資,要交多少錢稅呢 ?? 另外當地的消費指數又大概怎樣呢 ?? 我想計算一下是否真係比香港會賺多一點 ??

請問在那裡可找到美國的稅率來參考 !!


回答 (3)

2007-06-19 1:50 pm
40% tax
and the MacD is not really as cheap as what the other advisor says.... the USD1 is the standard hamburger only on the pormotion period (they usually have this kind of promotion) and for those other burgers, I don't think all the burgers are as that low... in other city, they might sell as USD3-4 for a burger and USD4-6 as a meal . plus you need to check whether puerto rico has any tax on food or clothing like that... and as well, when you stay there, you need to drive to get to other places or is there any convenient public transportation provide. and if you need to drive to get to places, who is providing the car, and as well as the gas... when the gas price goes up, then your bill you pay will be higher as well.... i know you wanna work there, but you are no in prison, you still need to get to places from time to time, right? like if you need to buy grocery, then what can you do? need to depends on ur friend's relative every time? you better ask about your holiday/off (how many days you have in a month) and annual leave, etc.... coz if after you get there then they said no leave, then you definately will be in prison for good
you aslo need to know about the surrounding whether that is in a safe neighbourhood or not, coz that really is something you need to concern
in puerto rico, most people are Hispanic 88.5%, Amerindian 0.4%, Asian 0.2%, mixed and other 10.9%.... so some places might need to speak spanish or such
2007-06-18 7:10 pm
我聽人講{注; 是聽呀}
除非你吾大洗= =
因為3000 USD 系香港刀好多丫~

2007-06-18 11:13:49 補充:
應該是` 除非你大洗`n上層話40% 就是你人工的100分之40 A3A

2007-06-18 11:14:33 補充:
2007-06-18 7:09 pm

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