捉聖獸(pokemon crater)

2007-06-18 6:19 pm
在pokemon crater,怎樣(甚麼條件)才可捉到聖獸(如炎帝,雷鳥)?

我的ac:artimas222 我的msn:[email protected]



回答 (1)

2007-06-21 6:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, you must fight all of the gym leaders and Elite Fours, because if you don't, you won't be able to catch any legendary pokemons(聖獸). All of the gym leaders including: Indigo Gymleaders, Johto Gymleaders, Hoenn Gymleaders and Sinnoh Gymleaders. Elite Fours including: Indigo/Johto Elite Four, Hoenn Elite Four and Sinnoh Elite Four.

I checked your account in Pokemon Crater, you have already fought all of the Gym Leaders, so the only thing you can do is walk around the maps. Legendary pokemons won't appear very right away or very often, you need to walk for a long time to meet a Legendary Pokemon.

There are no 條件 to catch Legendary pokemons except fighting all of the Gym Leaders and Elite Four.

So Good Luck!

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