
2007-06-18 2:36 pm

回答 (2)

2007-06-21 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It seems that you really care about your studies.
I remember when i was in form 4, i didnt know it was so much different from the way it was in form 3.

You will be amazed that some of your text books are totally useless,if you arent lucky enough to have a teacher who is responsible and keeping themselves updated to the current syllabus,you may have to look for tutorial classes.

physics, chemistry and biology are quite different from those u learnt in form 3. especially physics, you are required to have a clear concept, the textbook i used could not help at all, i had to look for reference books and eventually had to have tutorial classes(here, my suggestion would be dr.ken chan^^). Also, the type of questions in CE paper is not as those you see in textbooks.
The most difficult part i found would be mechanics.

I guess u might not know much about a.maths as well. For additional mathmatics,u have to be logical to deal with the problems. answers are obtained though complicated calculations, and not as directly as it is in maths.

For chinese and english, since the syllabus has changed,i dont know much about it but I know that it is no longer just the study of the language, when doing writing, organizations is more important than a wide range of vocabulary.

I dont know if you will study economics or accounts etc. Your teacher should practice past CE paper with you, cause if he/she doesnt do so, u will be shocked to find out that those questions you might never have seen at all. it is never as easy as it seems in textbooks.

it is never too early to prepare for the CE. I suggest you to try some tutorial classes because they can guide you if you dont know anything about the CE just like I did.

hope i havent typed too long.^^
2007-06-18 5:08 pm
操過去 10年既 passpaper 別無他法
參考: me

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