About travis 的 MV &...

2007-06-18 10:14 am
我在 MTV台 看過travis 的MV ,是在超市內拍的 ,我想知首歌叫咩名 ,&他們是樂隊 還是什麼 ,好像只有一個金毛主音 ,唔靚仔 ,但唱歌技巧和把聲我超buy ,謝謝各路人仕幫忙 ! (10)

回答 (2)

2007-06-18 10:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
樓主講既歌叫 Closer, 樂隊來的


專輯名稱:The Boy with No Name
唱片公司:ndependiente, Epic
發行日期:May 8, 2007

The Boy with No Name is the fifth studio album by Scottish alternative rock band Travis. The album is due for release on May 7, 2007 in the United Kingdom and May 8, 2007 in the United States. "Closer" will be released as the first single from the album in the United Kingdom on April 23, 2007 (see 2007 in British music).

The name of the album came about when lead singer Francis Healy and his partner Nora were deciding on a name for their newly born son. During this time, he sent a photo of his son to friend by email and labeled the photo "The Boy with No Name". Healy revealed this on the The Chris Moyles Show during an interview. Healy has also revealed in pre-album release performances that some tracks are influenced by his developing family status, such as "My Eyes" being about his new son or "Battleships" referring to ups and downs of relationships.


01.Times And You Loose
02.Selfish Jean
04.Big Chair
06.Eyes Wide Open
07.My Eyes
08.One Night
09.Under The Moonlight
10.Out In Space
12.New Amsterdam
13.Sailing Away (Hidden Bonus Track)
2007-06-25 5:06 am
你所講的歌是Closer啊,他們是一隊band,在1995年成立 ( 不太肯定,應該是95年的。)
主音︰ Francis Healy
結他手︰Andrew Dunlop
低音結他手︰Douglas Payne
鼓手︰Neil Primrose

最新大鍱是 "The boy with no name"
老實說,我覺得佢地今次既大鍱裡面既歌唔係好聽,要買就要買佢地既"12 memories and singles",裡面的歌10首有9首都是非常好聽的!!!
參考: 自己,個人「如」見...

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