If Typhoo put the 'T' in Britain, who put the 'Ram' in the Ramalamadingdong?

2007-06-17 10:16 am

回答 (9)

2007-06-17 10:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
The same person that put the "bop" in the "bopshebopshebop", the "dip" in the "dipdidipdidip" and the "boog" in the "boogelywoogelywoogleyshoop".
2007-06-17 11:16 am
2007-06-19 1:25 am
2007-06-17 11:56 pm
john holms
2007-06-17 2:33 pm
...and who put the 'dong' in it?!
2007-06-17 1:04 pm
The same bloke who,

put the "R" in *rse
put the "****" in Scunthorpe
put the "B" in beeboppaloola
put the "D" in disco
and put the "rash" in thrash
2007-06-17 12:11 pm
I vote for the Platters!
2007-06-17 10:46 am
same guy that invented cottage cheese
2007-06-17 10:21 am

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