2007-06-18 7:47 am
本人有架 2003 COROLLA DELUXE,近日我發覺行車開冷氣時,我聽到冷氣掣下近煙架的位置後面有"啲啲架架"的怪聲,經過我查看過發覺在煙架後有一個白色小膠箱,它有一個小電子桿杆,當開冷氣時小電子桿杆就自動左右移動,而怪聲就是這時發出。


回答 (2)

2007-06-22 7:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
normal auto air conditioner, nothing to do.
this white actuator( moter)is used to control the mixed temperatureof air( cool and hot), what we usually call as air mix door motor(actuator), you can manually select the temperature up or down, it (white motor) move the rod , it change the mix door position depend on your own decision (temperature display), up to your selection,when the temperature (inside the car) almost same as what you selected(display), the rod of that white motor will move/or stop a little bit, di di sound will hear. (step servo motor sound)-like RC servo motor.
2007-06-19 7:42 am
參考: 人

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