旅行夥伴 / 旅行伙伴 / 旅行伴侶 / 旅行partner / 暑假旅行 / 一齊去旅行 ??

2007-06-18 5:15 am
我係f.6 學生 ~~暑假我想去旅行 ~~ 8月下旬 ~~
國外我想去 挪威 / 意大利 / 法國 / 希臘 等 ~~~
國內就 麗江 / 青藏等 ~~~


其實我目的就係想增加對外見識,體驗下其他地方既生活 (好似好老土o甘^^"...但我真係想o甘。)

希望唔太貴...計埋當地使費(eg. 住、食、行),唔知 $15 000 得唔得呢 ??

希望有人一齊去 ~~ or 建議一d 路線^^~~ 如果旅程中有風土民情、郊外小鎮等體驗就好喇 >v<~~~

希望有好心人可以指導~~ 仲希望有人想一齊去~~!!

我msn / e_mail : [email protected]
icq : 177755160

looking for your reply ><~!!

如果 以 back pack 形式 ,會唔會平d~ ?? ( 我唔使豪華團同shopping ~~~ 我o係一d鍾意行山既女仔,0怕辛苦同0怕污糟 ^^~~ )

回答 (3)

2007-06-18 5:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
so,中國係一個幾好既education trip!
可以broden horizon!
2007-06-18 7:01 am
I just went to Europe - Greece and Austria two weeks before. I spent around hkd 16000 include air ticket and train ticket as well.

When you plan to go to europe,you better select the country which are nearby each other such as Germany + France + Astermansten or Eastern Europe - Austria + Hungary + Czech Republic. So, you can save money on buy the eurail train ticket

Please note that the air ticket may expensive on Aug as it is a Peak season for travel europe and you may difficult on booking the hostel so book it as early as possible when you confirm the schedule.

For the Accodamation, you can live in the hostel which is not so expensive and it is very cosy.
參考: From My experience
2007-06-18 5:45 am
With your budget Europe will not be a very good choice for you (unless you want follow those 4 days 3 nights package tour, but that is not worth while travelling to Europe you should stay there for at least 10 to 12 days then you can see more things) that is because Euro against HK$ is high now is around HK$10+ to 1Euro.

I will suggest you can go to 麗江 or 西藏. I have been to Li Jiang and that is a wonderful place you can also go to 瀘沽湖 和香哥里拉.

You can take a look at this link for more information.

But I will suggest not to follow a tour from HK you should there yourselves and join a local tour there.


I have not been to 西藏. But many of my friends been there before and say that is a very beautiful place.

Pls take a look at these two link


I think with the amount of HK$15,000 should be more then enough for you to any one of these two places.

BTW I don't suggest you travl with a stranger. You should ask around among your schoolmates or classmates

Hope that you can help u

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