樂器 (二胡的問題)

2007-06-18 5:12 am

回答 (3)

2007-06-19 9:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am not familiar with this instrument, but my grandpa was a pro, he was quite a famous 'southern sound' singer/player in Guangdong Province before having a heart attack.
There are several places in HK, I can only remember one,
Harmony Music Co. D-F, 1/F, 108-118 Prince Edward Rd., Kln
not the best one, I suppose, at least they won't cheat you.
It is a trend to get one in mainland, then you would have to seek other help.
For tutor, you may inquire the above store, but I know there are many crouching tigers and hidden dragons, and I can't help you on this matter.
If you are young enough, try the APA.
Actually, I have some more incomplete details, I have to check and inquire my friends, send me a letter if you want.

Hope all these uncertainties wouldn't disappoint you.
參考: My grandpa and his friends and my own friends.
2007-06-21 3:48 am

2007-06-18 5:16 am
我有一個二胡....原價$600 靚野好的
你要唔要??我賣俾你...冇破爛,,但係有少少舊,,你要既send e-mail俾我出價

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