
2007-06-18 2:55 am





回答 (3)

2007-06-18 3:00 am
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Have you ever heard this sentewnce? It comes from ...
This sentence is very important to the main male character because it made the main male character change

If you haven't watched this movie , i will recommand you to watch
2007-06-18 9:28 pm

1. Have you listen this sentence ? It is comes from... this sentence to main actor is extremely importantly, because it causes the actor to change.
2. if you didn't watch this movie, I can recommend you to watch.

係一次ge意外中:In an accident
佢需要去到選擇:He needs to choose
2007-06-18 6:08 am
Have you ever heard of this line from the film xxx? This line is very crucial to the male protagonist in the film, since it will redirect the male protagonist on a different track in his life.

If you have never watched this film before, I wholeheartedly recommend you to watch it.

in an accident

he need to make a decision

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