F.4 Bio question,about respiration

2007-06-18 2:01 am
I want to ask:
1.Is ther any heat energy given out during the respiration of germnating seeds?
2.Is ther ang energy chang to heat during anaerobic respiration?Both for plants and animals.

Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-06-18 3:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
both of your questions is yes !

respiration is a series of biochemical reactions which involve lots of intermediate but in your level, just remember glucose is convert into ATP and heat energy.
both is plant and animal, respiration is the same reaction which anaerobic respiration will not enter kreb's cycle and electron transport chain so give less energy, you need not to know just for reference!

you will learn more in your AL biology !
參考: AL Biology
2007-06-18 2:18 am
2. yes

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