please change it to chinese

2007-06-18 1:41 am
But the disaster of the space mission has caused Victor to go bankrupt and he vows vengeance on Reed, where he bids for world domination and sets out to get unleash hell by using his powers by controlling electricity that are slowly turning his skin into metal.

回答 (3)

2007-06-18 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-06-18 9:39 pm
But the disaster of the space mission has caused Victor to go bankrupt and he vows vengeance on Reed, where he bids for world domination and sets out to get unleash hell by using his powers by controlling electricity that are slowly turning his skin into metal:

但航天任務的災害導致勝者破產並且他發誓復仇在蘆葦, 他出價為世界控制權和下決心得到解開地獄由使用慢慢地把他的皮膚變成金屬的他的力量由控制電。
2007-06-18 8:57 am
不過太空任務的災難令 Victor 傾家蕩產,於是他發誓要向 Reed 復仇,並要征服世界!他有控制電能的力量,雖然為此皮膚漸漸變成金屬,但也要用這種力量令天下大亂。

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