
2007-06-17 11:13 am

回答 (2)

2007-06-17 12:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i learnt from a professional that we contain black pigment underneath the lowest layer of our skin. If we expose our skin to the skin, we will activate the black pigment and expose the black pigment to the synthesis phase and express to the top layer of our skin.

what you need to do is to cool down after sun bath and use the simple skin care product.

email to me at [email protected]. if you want to know more or how to whitening your skin or keep your skin tone better and won't 一達達.
2007-06-17 2:34 pm

問: 什麼叫做汗斑? 是否常游泳而致? 有何病徵? 如何醫治?
答: 汗斑就是在皮膚表面有很多細小白點, 這其實是一種皮膚癬疾, 由一種名為真菌的
徵生物侵入之表層而引致發炎是一種很常見的皮膚傳染病. 患上汗斑之原因就是與
患者欴皮膚有接觸而傳染到, 或曾接觸患者之毛巾手巾衣服等. 在夏天亦很容易從
公共泳池, 浴室等地方染到, 所以患上汗斑並不是因常游泳而致, 而是因為在公共
泳池或浴室傳染到. 患者除皮膚起有細小白點外, 並無其他病徵, 亦無痕癢. 至於
醫治方面, 則看西醫, 取特效葯物塗搽, 可以治愈, 不過要有恆心特續治療數星期
之久, 才可望痊愈.

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