
2007-06-17 10:15 am
不過我後來先醒起,佢又冇講過有闔annual leave ge 野,合約又冇寫,我果時又醒唔起,冇問到ANNUAL LEAVE同埋幾多號出糧
我想知我應該幾時問返佢地呢d 野,我應該開工第一日問,定係依家打電話去問?
上次簽約個HR manager都俾我卡片我,其實都可以打去問ge.........不過會唔會唔係咁好ar,工都未返,其實第一日返工佢開頭會唔會再同我講一次,我係唔係可以果日放工先問返?

回答 (2)

2007-06-17 10:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
正常一張員工合約,會列明: 薪金、職位、有薪假期及一般福利(例如 雙糧,花紅,醫療津貼..等等)。 注意: 有部份會加上試用期幾多個月。

你可以返工前打電話去問,無問題架! 無咩影響,以個 HR dept既責任,而且都想你知清楚少少,費時日後再解釋。

不過真係唔知咩大公司,合約會唔寫 annual leave既野,因好重要既野架麻!
2007-06-17 1:55 pm
if i were you, i will call now and ask the HR manager on those issues which I still hvn't got any info on my hand. and also will ask whether is that the written copy will be there for me to collect once I started my work.
If after you heard the full terms and find there is anything that doesn't seems right, then start the negotiation. If worse come to wrose, usually if there is any resignation under the probation, that will just take 7 days in advance notice, so, nothing to loose

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