Ocean Park or The Peak with your friend???Why?急!!!10分

2007-06-17 8:42 am
Which of these two places would you prefer to go to with
your friends,Ocean Park or The Peak? Why?

回答 (5)

2007-06-17 10:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
唔係話英文好唔好, 但你抄左樓上o個篇就正都有排你改, 典形chi-english. 唔講作文格式, 咩topical sentense, 淨係gramma都執差懵, 我係亞sir 我一定比個rewrite 你! 用頭幾句黎同你終極拆解啦!

> "For me"(inappropiate opening), i prefer "go"(to + infinitives) to "__"(articles) Ocean
In my opinion, I prefer to go to the Ocean
> Park "will be better"(wrong expression) than The Peak "to go"(repeated) with friends.
Park rather than the Peak with my friends.

>"From"(perposition) Ocean "Peak", there "have"(wrong word) many "district"(plural)
In Ocean Park, there are many districts
>for "our different objective"(redundant words) us "to choice"(to + infinitives / noun).
for us to choose
>"Such as,"(we don't use such as in begining of sentences) we can "go to"(redundant)
For examples, we can
> play "the machine game"(wrong word), or "go"(to + infinitive) to see the pandagarden,
play the trill rides, or to go to see the pandagarden,
>or "travel"(to + infinitive / wrong word) "__"(perposition) the animal world,
or wandering around the animal world,
>"like the bird, fish, jelly fish."(wrong sentence structure)
to see the birds, fishes, jelly fish.

作文都係自己作好啦, 唔係英文邊有進步架!
參考: 自己
2008-02-08 10:36 am
又學到嘢 ~
2007-06-17 9:45 am
For me, i prefer go to Ocean Park will be better than The Peak to go with friends.
From Ocean Peak, there have many district for our different objective to choice.Such as, we can go to play the machine game, or go to see the pandagarden, or travel the animal world, like the bird, fish, jelly fish. There also have the little children fun place, may be can get fun at there. All of the conssion game counter, we can try the excit game. Or we can by the train travel around the either both of the side. At there, still have some kind of fast food restaurent, we can take a rest. If you want some fully dinner, that also provide the high-class restaurent for your choice.
From The Peak, there just have the a small mall for shopping, but you can get the full view of Hong Kong. Many kinds of restaurent at there, but also expensive on the price range. May be you can get fun with friends the excit moive cinema, anyway you can also take place on the museum, take the photo with Andy Lau, Jackie Chan...etc, if you feel that have a fun.
At conclusion, Ocean Park can spend a hold day for fun, but The Peak... maybe get some difficult.
2007-06-17 8:48 am
The peak - less trouble and not so hot
2007-06-17 8:45 am
當然 是海洋公園, 地大好玩,又美麗動人!!

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