
2007-06-17 6:41 am
what is the difference between complex division of labour and regional division .give example

回答 (3)

2007-06-17 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Complex division of labour means there are different labour participating in different stages of production, but they are producing the same product, e.g. for producing clothes, some labour will participate in producing the cloth while some will participate in producing cotton.
Regional division of labour means a district or an area of econmics participate in producing a product, e.g. Japan focus on producing automobile and US focus on producing computer
參考: myself
2007-06-17 6:53 am
1.複習分工 (Complex division of labour)
例如:某製衣廠將製衣的過程分為多個工序 ( 裁剪.縫製 )

2.地區分工 (Regional division of labour)
例子:意大利-皮革用品   韓國-科技/電器用品
   泰國-米       瑞士-鐘錶
參考: 自己d notes
2007-06-17 6:49 am
complex division of labour 是指同一各行業內,每一位員工負責不同的部門或生產工序。例如同在警察部內,有的警察負責交通,有的負責重案,有的負責海上工作。
regional division of labour 是指不同國家或地區專門生產不同的東西。例如澳門專注賭博的娛樂事業,而香港則專門負責為國際公司集資等的金融服務。

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