英文 oral 一問...

2007-06-17 5:36 am
如果discussion 講開頭, 咁應該點講ar?
your group is doing a project about fake brand name goods. you are discussing your ideas for project now.
you may talk about - kinds of fake brand name goods people
- resaon for buying them

回答 (2)

2007-06-17 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello! / Hi! Everybody,Let's get started,shall we? Today,we're going to ( 根據討論主題而去講,就是 "Today,we're going to talk about fake brand name goods. )

我的ideas 就是,好多無牌都來自中國,因為它們仿真度高,而且便宜。

English : Because all fake brand name goods are made from China.Their simulation is similar to real goods.Why people like to buy them because they're cheap.
參考: 我英文不好,應該有mistakes...I'm just Form 2 so...anyway.
2007-06-17 5:59 am
shall we start now? / let's get started. / let's start our discussion.

跟著開始講番條題目, 我就會咁講喇:
today, we're here to discuss our project which is about fake brand name goods. There are a lot of fake brand name goods now. We may talk about the kinds of fake brand name goods first.
參考: 自己(今年會考生)

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