
2007-06-17 4:01 am
請問呢啲 idioms點解???

charity begins at home

you will rear what you sow

a white elephant

a flash in the pan

to take French leave

one man`s meat is another man`s poison

rome was not built in a day

birds of a feather flock together

a busman`s holiday

回答 (3)

2007-06-17 7:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
charity begins at home - 自己o既家人最重要

you will reap what you sow - 種瓜得瓜

a white elephant - 貴得o黎得個樣,唔實用o既o野

a flash in the pan - 曇花一現o既成功,有頭威無尾陣

to take French leave - 靜雞雞走人

one man`s meat is another man`s poison - 甲鍾意o既o野未必o岩乙,各有所好

rome was not built in a day - 呢句常見:「羅馬不是一日建成的」,比喻豐功偉業要時日建成

birds of a feather flock together - 物以類聚

a busman`s holiday - 放假期間又做返開工時o既野,好似巴士司機(busman)放假去玩,扯,又係要駕車
2007-06-19 4:03 am
請問呢啲 idioms點解???

2007-06-18 20:07:04 補充:
charity begins at home 家人最重要you will reap what you sow 種瓜得瓜a white elephant 貴得個樣,唔實用a flash in the pan 曇花一現既成功to take French leave 靜靜走one man's meat is another man's poison 各有所好rome was not built in a day 羅馬不是一日建成的a busman's holiday 放假期間又做工時既野
2007-06-18 10:35 pm
charity begins at home - 自己家人最重要
you will reap what you sow - 種瓜得瓜
a white elephant - 貴得個樣,唔實用
a flash in the pan - 曇花一現既成功
to take French leave - 靜靜雞走人
one man's meat is another man's poison - 各有所好
rome was not built in a day - 「羅馬不是一日建成的」,比喻豐功偉業要時日建成
birds of a feather flock together - 物以類聚
a busman's holiday - 放假期間又做返開工時既野

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