very easy questions for people who are good at english

2007-06-17 3:57 am
can i write''stay AT the hospital''?
why or why not?explain it

can i write ''...IN the holidays?
why or why not?explain it.

thanks a lot!!!

回答 (2)

2007-06-17 8:34 am
2) i will visit you ______the holidays

I think the best answer is during......

better than in or even on........
2007-06-17 4:04 am
q1. yes. because stay at = live in or settle down at a specific place, so that stay at the hosiptal is correct.

q2. wrong. because "holidays" are days, you should use "on" instead of "in".
remember tha prepositions of time.

For days(specific days), we should always use ON (exceptional cases outcluded)
參考: me

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