邊樣野既intermolecular potential energy相對地較大?

2007-06-17 3:01 am
solid,liquid or gas?

回答 (2)

2007-06-17 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
gas> liquid>solid
because when solid change to liquid, it absorbs energy, some become KE and some become PE
it is the same as liquid become gas
so the intermolecular potential energy of gas is greater than the intermolecular potential energy of liquid than that of solid
2007-06-18 6:17 pm
兩個粒子的距離越大, PE越大。(正如物體離地面越高, 即物體與地球之間的距離越大, PE越大。)

在氣體中, 粒子的距離相對的較大, 所以intermolecular potential energy相對地較大。

2007-06-18 10:22:02 補充:
在熔化、沸騰和蒸發的過程中, 物體吸收了四周的能量, 將吸收了的能量轉成為粒子間的PE, 我們就能看見物態的變化。

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